Pubs, nightclubs and cafes to be given up to €10,000 to host entertainment at ‘off-peak’ times

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Shopfront Enhancement Grant Scheme

Shopfront Enhancement Grant Scheme 2025: Westmeath County Council has launched the 2025 Shopfront Enhancement Grant Scheme, providing a total fun of €100,000 to support local

  • Minister Catherine Martin announces the Night-Time Economy Support Scheme to support off-peak entertainment in venues across the country
  • €2.6 million has been allocated to support entertainment in off-peak times to increase footfall in our cities and towns later in the evening and night-time
  • pubs, nightclubs, cafés and other suitable licensed and unlicensed premises may apply
  • funding will be available to trial a series of cultural activities (minimum number of 4 events), with a maximum grant of €10,000 available per application
  • events such as music, including electronic music, comedy, dance, literature, poetry, theatrical productions, plays, craft and art/photographic exhibitions will be funded
  • this Scheme will open for applications at 1pm on 21 June 2022 and it will remain open until 1pm on Friday 22 July 2022 or until the fund is exhausted, whichever occurs first

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, has today (21 June) launched a new pilot grant scheme to help boost the night time economy in Ireland.

The new Night-Time Economy Support Scheme (NTESS) provides funding of €2.6 million to pubs, nightclubs, cafés and other suitable licenced/unlicensed premises to support the provision of entertainment during off-peak times. The aim is to promote an increase in footfall in our cities, towns and villages as well as providing artists with paying gigs and customers with a more alternative, diverse and inclusive night-time offering.

This initiative is in support of 2 recommendations in the Report of the Night-Time Economy Taskforce.

For more information click here