Export Opportunities in Nigeria

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Shopfront Enhancement Grant Scheme

Shopfront Enhancement Grant Scheme 2025: Westmeath County Council has launched the 2025 Shopfront Enhancement Grant Scheme, providing a total fun of €100,000 to support local

Left to Right – Longford Fianna Fail Councillor Uremy Adejinmi , Des Maguire, Ambassador Mrs. Ijeoma Chinonyerem Arimanwa Obiezu, John Geoghegan, Minister Robert Troy, Joe Oxley

John Geoghegan the President of Mullingar Chamber was delighted to be invited by Minister Robert Troy to meet with the Nigerian Ambassador to Ireland Ambassador Mrs. Ijeoma Chinonyerem Arimanwa Obiezu in Mullingar today.

I was delighted to be invited by Minister Robert Troy to meet with the Nigerian Ambassador to Ireland Ambassador Mrs. Ijeoma Chinonyerem Arimanwa Obiezu in Mullingar today as President of Mullingar Chamber.  The Ambassador was accompanied by a trade delegation from the Nigerian Embassy including First Secretary Buhari I. Adamu and Longford Fianna Fail Councillor Uremy Adejinmi and I was accompanied by two of our Board Members Joe Oxley and Des Maguire.

We had a very informative discussion about the current approach Nigeria is taking to Foreign Direct Investment in terms of key industries and the incentives to locate there and the Economic Zone model they are adopting to grow their manufacturing base.  This is a massive marketplace of over 200m people and of interest to almost every large exporting company in Ireland of scale.  They have a particular focus on dairy, agriculture and life sciences as well as building materials.

Later this week the Nigeria Ireland Trade Summit is taking place in Dublin in UCD from Thursday June 30th to Saturday July 2nd and the delegation are appealing to any local industries of scale to consider attending this summit which will be addressed by Minister Troy on Friday at 12.40pm.

We in Mullingar Chamber feel this is something all local export companies might be interested in and would encourage them to enquire further on the link below and directly.

Wishing Minister Troy and the entire delegation all the best with the upcoming Summit.



Buhari Adamu

First Secretary, Political and Economic Affairs

Embasy of Nigeria

Dublin, Ireland

first-secretary nigerianembassydublin.org first-secretary@nigerianembassydublin.org

Left to Right – Des Maguire, Joe Oxley, John Geoghegan, Minister Robert Troy, First Secretary Buhari I. Adamu, Ambassador Mrs. Ijeoma Chinonyerem Arimanwa Obiezu, Longford Fianna Fail Councillor Uremy Adejinmi, delegates from Nigerian Embassy