Westmeath County Council: A More Inclusive Politics for Westmeath

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Westmeath County Council: A More Inclusive Politics for Westmeath


Westmeath County Council have undertaken a project to increase the participation of women and people from diverse backgrounds in the next 2024 local elections in Westmeath. Westmeath County Council recognises that more women and people from diverse backgrounds are needed to lend their voice to decision making in the County, where we can all live in a society that is more inclusive, diverse, and where balanced decision making takes place to promote the sustainable development of all of their communities.


There are many useful insights available in the booklet on how to avail of the supports that are available to you in running for election. The video also helps to relay the real life political experiences of some of our councillors. Check it out and see if you can get involved in creating a more inclusive democracy for Westmeath by running for election, engaging with your local Public Participation Network and Strategic Policy Committees, or supporting a candidate in the next local elections.


The next phase of the project is an informational seminar which will include a variety of representatives from all walks of life who will have the opportunity to relay their ambitions for local government decision making. This friendly and accessible seminar will hope to demystify local government politics in Westmeath, and to build on the success of the project booklet and video to propel women and diverse members of our community into a more inclusive political fabric for our County. To find out more, please visit the Westmeath County Council Website and view our dedicated webpage where we provide all of the latest information: Westmeath County Council (WCC) Our Services (westmeathcoco.ie)  “



Link to Booklet: A More Inclusive Politics for Westmeath – Booklet

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/boO3Lp6JFH0