We are pleased to announce that Allyson English will be taking over as president of Mullingar Chamber following the successful term by John Geoghegan. The chamber would like to thank John for his tireless efforts on behalf of the Chamber and Mullingar town and for his continuing support to Chamber activities. Allyson will bring a determined energy to the role and look to build on the good work done by John.
Allyson is long term resident of Mullingar having moved here with her family in 2005, initially working for several local firms she set up her own Business Consultancy practice in 2017, and is now supporting companies throughout the country.
Allyson has been an active member of the chamber since 2019 supporting the efforts to increase awareness and membership of the Chamber.
Allyson’s plan for Chamber activity during her term will be focused on ensuring that members are consulted and engaged with, in order to deliver the value that they are looking to gain for themselves, and their businesses, and ultimately Mullingar town.
Utilising her networking skills , she will look to build a platform where local businesses are able to communicate, discuss plans and propose ideas. Promoting great working relationships for members is her principal objective. Allyson’s strategy will involve three main areas of activity: firstly gathering feedback from members to understand concerns and pain points, secondly creating a series of events, with keynote speakers , discussing and exploring topics that are of value to the members and lastly looking to create engaging online and social media content that is relevant to the current needs and opportunities.
We in the Chamber are energised and looking forward to the renewed drive and forward momentum that this exciting change brings.