Shaston Construction Ltd Ardmore Road, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath Observations and Letter of Support

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We write in relation to the abovementioned application comprising development of 71 no. residential units at
Ardmore Road, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, a site of 1.92 ha. The proposed development will consist of: 30 no.
apartments in 1 no., 2 storey height block, comprising; 20 no. 2 bed apartments and 10 no. 1 bed apartments,
and 41 no. 2 storey houses comprising; 13 no. 2 bed terraced units and 28 no. 3 bed semidetached units, the
formation of a new vehicular access, 2 no. communal bin stores, 2 no. bicycle stores. The proposal includes all
associated hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, footpaths, an ESB Sub-Station, and all other
ancillary works above and below ground

See full submission here 20230417-MCC-WCC-SHASTON-SUPPORT-001