Mullingar Chamber, through its affiliation with Chambers Ireland, is authorized by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment to issue Certificates of Origin, which are used in international trade to the European Community and Arab – Irish Certs of Origin. This service is available to all businesses at a reasonable cost; Chamber members can avail of discounted rates.
What are Certificates of Origin?
These are often required:
- To meet customs requirements in the importing state
- To meet ‘quota’ requirements imposed by the importing country
- To comply with banking requirements
- For other official and commercial reasons.
In Ireland, the officially designated authorities for the issue of Certificates of Origin are Chambers of Commerce. The service is available to all businesses in Ireland at a reasonable cost, although Chamber members receive beneficial rates.
Forms of Documentation
Mullingar Chamber provides export documentation in the following forms:
- EU Certificates of Origin
- Arab-Irish Certificates of Origin
The majority of Certificates of Origin will be for exporting to non-Arab destinations, in these cases the normal European Certificate of Origin should be used.
When the exporter is sending goods to an Arab State, an Arab-Irish Certificate of Origin is required.
How to register for Certification with Mullingar Chamber?
Before a company can apply for a Certificate of Origin, certain information is required.
- As a member business, you are required to complete an indemnity form (which is renewable annually) and to provide the Chamber office with a list of your company’s authorised signatories.
- Non-member businesses are required to produce a banker’s reference in addition to the member’s requirements.
Please contact for further enquiries.